Business Insurance

You’ve worked tirelessly to build your business, so your family can reap the rewards. But if key people leave, fall ill, or die, it can all be undone in a heartbeat.
Talk to us about:
Shareholder Insurance
If a business partner passes away, you could find yourself in business with their spouse or children – something you never planned for. But you can eliminate this risk with a policy that gives surviving partners the cash to buy up shares and keep control of the business. .
Key Man Insurance
Some employees are hard to replace! So if they suddenly pass away or get diagnosed with a terminal illness, the financial impact can be catastrophic. But no business has to go under as a result of bad news - keyman insurance will pay you a lump sum to see your company through the difficulties that follow.
Employee Medical Insurance
Affordable, tax-friendly cover for you as the business owner - and a great addition to your employee benefits package that’s statistically proven to reduce casual sickness.
Relevant Life Cover
A tax-efficient way to offer death-in-service benefits. You’ll be protecting key staff and their families - the people who’ve made your business what it is today.